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Steam Launch - Boat Design

This boat hull was constructed to take the simple steam plant.

The design shown here was made to take the 2.5kg weight of the steam plant fully fueled. It was equip with a single radio channel to control a rudder with the intention that the motor would run continuously but the direction could be controlled whilst sailing.

Boat Description

The boat dimensions were set out to be 1000mm long with a 200mm beam and a Vee bottom hull.
To aid assembly, a flat deck would be used to connect the 10 rib panels along with a solid keel running bow to stern.
All planking would consist of 2 dimensional curves and twists to simplify the process and no tight curves would be used.
The majority of the boat would be an open section to house the steam plant, but a water tight rear section would cover the radio gear.

Mobirise Website Builder

The hull was drawn out full size on the back of a sheet of wall paper. The steam plant was used as a guide to ensure the boat would be wide enough and deep enough.
A plan view was drawn to create a line for the deck of the boat using slight curves where possible to simplify construction.
A side elevation was drawn directly below made up of a flat deck line, a keel profile and a Chine line. 

Mobirise Website Builder

With the side and top profile of the boat complete end views were projected to provide an outline for each of the ribs. The projection process used a 45° construction line to allow projection lines to meet at the end view. The side plan provided the height of features and the top view the width.

Mobirise Website Builder

To copy the hull design shown here, the full size plans can be downloaded using the link on the left.
The parts are split so that they should fit onto a normal sized office paper for printing and can then be assembled matching the join lines as appropriate.

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